Genre: Dramatic Thriller
2 Minutes
Title: Pretty Girls Make Graves
Tagline: Nothing is sweeter than needed revenge.Duration:
2 Minutes
Young adults between 15-26, both male and female
The film begins with a shot of the main character standing on a bridge smoking. There is a female first person voice-over introducing her story. There is a flashback to this person in a corner screaming as we hear gunshots. She drops the cigarette and walks away, with focus on the cigarette. The voice over continues until the title is shown.
Suggested Elements:
The film begins with a shot of the main character standing on a bridge smoking. There is a female first person voice-over introducing her story. There is a flashback to this person in a corner screaming as we hear gunshots. She drops the cigarette and walks away, with focus on the cigarette. The voice over continues until the title is shown.
Suggested Elements:
- A girl stood on a bridge smoking
- Simple everyday clothes
- Cigarette
- Bridge
- Title and opening credits
Recording days: ".........."
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