This is the shotlist based off the finished film.
Shot1: Blank screen (block black colour) writing (Caketin Productions)
Shot2: Blank screen (block black colour) writing (In Association with Light House Pictures)
Shot3: Blank screen (block black colour) writing (A Sarah Legg Film)
Shot4: Medium shot of main character Sat down in plane getting comfy. Credits in corner (Caitlin O’Shea.)(Non diegetic dialogue)
Shot5: wide shot of Manchester (pan shot) credits in the corner (Thomas Reynolds, Ben Seager, Saad Khan).
Shot6: medium shot of main character lighting a cigarette (non diegetic dialogue)
Shot7: medium shot of main characters conversing (no sound) (faded colours) (non diegetic dialogue)
Shot 8: wide shot of main characters running through doorway into dark room then running different ways (diegetic dialogue)
Shot9: medium shot of main character inhaling on cigarette thinking (non diegetic dialogue)
Shot10: extreme close-up on main characters face as she inhales further into cigarette (non diegetic dialogue), tilt up too eyes blinking.
Shot11: over the shoulder shot leading to wide shot as main character runs away from camera. (Diegetic sound)
Shot12: extreme close-up on feet running (diegetic sound)
Shot13: low angle shot downwards onto main character as she falls over wood.
Shot14: further angle shot from different point as main character crawls into gap
Shot15: further angle shot from different point as main character crawls into gap
Shot16: Extreme close-up on watery eyes
Shot17: wide shot as two main characters meet in park.
Shot18: Close-up on hand and fingers tapping on cigarette
Shot19: wide shot of main character sat curled up in dark confined space (diegetic sound)
Shot20: Blank screen (block black colour) (diegetic sound, dialogue)
Shot21: wide shot of main character sat curled up in dark confined space (diegetic sound)
Shot22: close up on hand tapping cigarette
Shot23: Close-up on foot crushing cigarette following into wide shot as main character walks away.
Shot24: long shot on two main characters conversing on bench in distance.
Shot25: wide shot as main character continues to walk away.
Shot26: wide shot as main character walks down street away from the camera
Shot 27: over the shoulder shot as main character leans on railings.
Shot28: Wide shot as two main characters swing on public park swings (diegetic sound, dialogue)
Shot29: wide shot as main character on sings alone (non-diegetic dialogue)
Shot30: Blank screen (block black colour) writing (Pretty Girls Make Graves)
This was our original shot list but as we were recording we found that the shot list above it worked better with our theme.
Shot 1- Block Colour (Black)
Shot 2- Block Colour (black) background
Shot 3- fade into shot 3 from shot 2 of main character(medium shot) leaning on railings/ sat on a bench whilst inhaling on a cigarette (non-diegetic dialogue creates a sound bridge into shot 4)
Shot 4- Establishing shot Brooklyn bridge (credits in lower right corner)
Shot 5- (non digetic sound bridge from shot 4) medium shot of main character sat in airplane staring out of window ( credits in lower corner)
Shot 6- Establishing Shot- Manchester Eye
Shot 7- Establishing Shot- Hilton Hotel
Shot 8- Establishing Shot- Print works
Shot 9- wide shot of bridge with main character stood to the left side of the bridge (right side on view)
Shot 10- Extreme close up on mouth inhaling on cigarette and exhaling 3 times
Shot 11- tilt from extreme close up from mouth to eyes( extreme close up) , eyes stare directly at camera and blink three times (Non-diegetic Dialogue continues) match cut to shot 12
Shot 12- Wide shot of main character curled up in corner. Main light on her to give impression of being alone. Match cut to shot 13.
Shot 13- extreme close up on tear falling down face ( sound bridge of screaming from shot 12)
Shot 14- extreme close up of fingers tapping on the cigarette (nearly finished cigarette) and fingers flicking cigarette to floor.( non-diegetic dialogue sound bridge from shot 14 to shot 15)
Shot 15- close up on cigarette on floor being crushed by boot
Shot 16- slight tilt keeping cigarette in focus but watching blurred figure of main character walking away as non-digetic dialogue continues. fade from shot 16 to shot 17(non-diegetic dialogue continues)
Shot 17- block colour screen (black) main title dissolves in middle (“Pretty Girls Make Graves”)
These next few images are our dfferent attempts in a noteook working up to out final shot list( shown above)
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