Monday, 2 May 2011

Audience Research.

Before we started any part of the procduction process we did alot of audience research, we conducted questionaires into what our target audience liked in a film and we watched films that had the same target audience as our production.

We gave questionaries to 100 people aged 15-25 both male and female and we found that social realist and dramatic films were favorites in our target audience.

Through the questionaires we found the five most popular films in our target audience from each sex. The top five films for the females were :

1)Moulin Rouge

2)Mean Girls



5)Slumdog Millionaire

The top five films for the males were:



3)Bullet Boy

4)Fast and Furious


From this information and after watching these films we found out that females preferred more romantic films and males preferred more action and dramtic films, so we decided to make a dramatic thriller with romance and action so it had appeal to both sexes. The idea of gun crime is protrayed in our opening this was because guns were a consistant wepon throughout the male films and some of the female films, which is why guncrime was a issue we wanted to address.

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