Media: Preliminary task, shots.
1. Extreme close up: Door Handle
2. Close up: Feet Walking
3. Wide Shot: Victim (full Body)
4. Ext. Close up: victim (mouth)
5. Close up: Victim (face)
6. Wide Shot: Behind Interrogator
7. Middle Shot: Suspect
8. Over-Shoulder Shot: Interrogator
9. Over-Shoulder Shot: Suspect
10. Middle Shot: Interrogator
11. Close-up: Suspect
12. Ext. Close-up: Interrogators eyes
We decided not to use the body shots of the victim, as it would have taken up too much time to prepare (mise-en-scene) and edit into the preliminary work. Instead, we added a scene at the beginning, of the interrogator walking down a hallway. Then, it goes back to the planned shot list. We repeated different shot lists multiple times before we chose the best one as a group (all done in a notebook).
Our storyboard was drawn in a notebook, then drawn on paper, and finally created on Photoshop. These storyboards were created after we had decided on our shot list. Unfortunately, we added more scenes into the final clip, so we may need to remake the storyboard.